Broward Does Not Need a “Cop Gone Bad”
as a Republican Leader!

From the Sun Sentinel:

Benjamin H. Bennett II “was arrested and charged with 10 counts ranging from drug dealing to conspiracy to commit armed robbery” and “served 4 years of a 15 year sentence.”

“He was dealing drugs to kids,” … “He made statements to our undercover officer that he wouldn’t deal to adults because they could be used as informants. Our officer made several purchases from him posing as a high school student and it was determined that he was dealing in the schools. [Ben Bennett] had given weapons to juveniles to be used in crimes.”

“He was a police officer. He had a responsibility to himself and the public. When you’re a police officer, you don’t become a dope peddler or any other kind of criminal,” said Broward’s Sheriff. You can read more and review the court records here at

Call Ben Bennett and tell him Broward does not need a

“Cop Gone Bad” as a Republican Leader!

cop gone bad benett

Benjamin Bennett with Robert Sutton